A quick look back over 2013 to see what posts and tweets were most popular. This will help me prioritise my blog backlog for 2014.
- Using the Epic workflow in JIRA, the follow up to earlier favourite Visualising Epics and Dependencies in JIRA with GreenHopper and JQL Tricks
- JIRA for Agile Teams, a course to help agile teams which are new to JIRA get started.
- Moving WordPress sites from Dreamhost to Linode, a surprise hit. I guess a few folks are moving off Dreamhost.
- Agile Metrics, Velocity is not the Goal, a write up on a super Agile 2013 talk by Michael (Doc) Norton of Groupon.
- Technical Debt meets Agile, a write up on a brilliant Agile 2013 talk by Israel Gat of Cutter Consortium.
Collaborating Across an Enterprise
Collaborating Across an Enterprise: Quarterly Planning at Twitter deserves its own special shout-out as it was the most viewed video and Slideshare this year.
And a few choice Tweets
WIP limit of one sink on Christmas Day lunch. Clean the dishes before the next course. Lean. pic.twitter.com/i7KyW8i17g
— Nicholas Muldoon (@njm) December 25, 2013
"Don’t confuse what the Customer asks for with what their Problem is." http://t.co/zGoFuHbGPh great post by @njm 🙂
— Thomas Schranz (@__tosh) September 5, 2013
check out the @TwitterEng blog post on "Visualizing Epics and Dependencies in JIRA" https://t.co/mRWose5veL by our own @njm
— Twitter TPM Team (@TwitterTPM) August 12, 2013