Been a while since I’ve written a blog. I want to write, yet making the time has been challenging.
I’ve had a child, you see. Orla McIntosh Muldoon was born on 16th May, 2014. As she has grown (nearly six months old as of writing) she has become more engaging – big curious eyes, exploring the world around her. So it has been difficult to focus my attention for a sufficient period to write a blog as I’m simply too distracted by her.
At any rate, I did recently attend Scrum Australia. It was the most amazing conference. Well organised, great coaching clinics, fantastic hallway conversations, fun presentations (check Bern Schiffers talk on experimentation – what a riot!).
Back in the swing of things at work after paternity leave. We’re on the journey and have a long road ahead. Watch out for more insight on what we’ve learned in the coming months.
Until then, have a great week and thanks for checking in.