Zach Holman has written a few great blog posts on how GitHub operates. If you’ve got an interest in how a startup operates and want some perspective for your own team then take a gander:
- How GitHub Works: Hours are Bullshit
- How GitHub Works: Be Asynchronous
- How GitHub Works: Creativity is Important

It reminds me of the days in 2007 when Atlassian was around 6 years old and had about 100-120 people. As we have grown – added people, products, timezones and customers – more structure has been put in place to help us manage things. I think we have to be cognisant that as companies grow the structure changes and that is hard to avoid. I wonder whether GitHub will still have the same approach when they are 300 people, fingers crossed they do!
One other article to support the hours myth is from HBR, Pozen on Personal Productivity:
Your success should be measured by the results you produce, not the number of hours you log.