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There is so much going on here at Agile 2012, what a busy week! And we’ve still got three days to go!

GreenHopper 6 has launched!

After a year of work, over 30 releases, thousands of pieces of feedback from beta (GreenHopper Labs) customers and many iterations we’ve released GreenHopper 6. This is a very very happy day for me personally, it has been wonderful watching this product mature over the past 3.5 years and I look forward to the future growth. Gosh product management (and now marketing) is fun!

For the full details check the What’s New page. Love it? Tell the world what you think in the comments below.

Global Product Management Talk

Listen back to the Global Product Management Talk, Live from Agile 2012, with Nicholas Muldoon on Blog Talk Radio.

Adrienne from @brainmates, Cindy from @prodmgmttalk and I shoot the breeze about Agile, Product Management, Customer Development, Innovation Games and more. Check it out and provide feedback in the comments below.


Lots of positive words about Jeff Patton’s session this afternoon. Unfortunately I was unable to attend so I am awaiting notes from @smithcdau, you’ll see them on Craig’s blog when they go live.

Share your favourite session in the comments below.

See y’all tomorrow Agile 2012!

Big Week at Agile 2012

August 13, 2012

Gosh what a huge week!

Agile 2012 kicks off this morning and there are some great speakers and sessions lined up. One in particular is Atlassian Andrew Prentice who will be sharing his thoughts on the testers role in improving developers testing skills. Be sure to check that session out.

I’ll be in a panel on #ProdMgmtTalk this evening chatting about the role of a product manager and how they fit into an Agile team, live from Agile 2012 of course!

Then we’ve got a GreenHopper webinar on Wednesday morning, and a Twitter Q&A on Thursday. Bring your tough questions – we’re ready for them!

If you are in Grapevine swing by the Atlassian booth (#402) as we’ve got some sweet tees to give away.

The World's Best Agile Tool - GreenHopper 6

Now Listing Jobs

March 7, 2012

Chatting with customers recently it seems like good Product Owners, ScrumMasters, Developers, etc with Agile skills are in high demand. To help great companies find great people I am going to compile a list of all the openings I am aware of to get the word out – you’ll find them on the Job Opportunities page.

If you want to add a job to the list let me know. If you are looking for a new gig then just reach out to the companies directly.

Have any thoughts on how I can make this better? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks.