I’ve been on an agile marketing binge lately, first off presenting at the Integrated Marketing Summit in San Diego, then joining a panel in San Francisco, and finally presenting at the worldwebforum in Zurich. Brilliant!

Nicholas Muldoon - worldwebforum Zurch 2014

The worldwebforum, hosted in Zurich, was a fantastic event and definitely the highlight. Over 400 CxO’s and VP’s in the audience, all eager to listen and learn. Great questions from the audience and introductions to lots of amazing people.

Definitely putting worldwebforum on the list for next year – an extra special event I don’t want to miss.

Thanks for having me @worldwebforum!

Here is the talk I gave:

Back in February last year I spoke at Startup Product Summit 2013. I’ve been remiss in not posting this sooner.

Some call this drinking your own champaign. At Atlassian we called it eating your own dogfood – trying the product, using the product, before sending that release out to the customers. Higher quality, empathy for the customer, all that great stuff.

Here it is…

In 2012 a crew of marketing folks, of which I was one, spent a day hashing out how to apply agile and lean principles and practices to marketing teams. One of the key takeaways was a written proposal for an Agile Marketing Manifesto.

Authors of the Agile Marketing Manifesto, SprintZero, June 2012

Authors of the Agile Marketing Manifesto, SprintZero, June 2012

We wrote an Agile Marketing Manifesto as the original Manifesto for Agile Software Development is geared squarely at software development teams and didn’t really fit:

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.

I spoke at the Integrate Marketing Summit last week and over the past few days I’ve been thinking about the Agile Marketing Manifesto. I keep thinking we should have left with something simpler, more concise. Cutting away the duplication I wound up with the following. I am presenting it to you as an iteration on the original, perhaps the Manifesto for Agile Marketing v2?

Manifesto for Agile Marketing

We are discovering better ways of creating value for our customers through new approaches to marketing

Validated learning over opinions and conventions

Customer collaboration over silos and hierarchy

Responding to change over following a plan

Meaningful experimentation over minor optimisation

What do you think? React on Twitter:


Over the past 18 months Fabiana AzevedoAustin Walne, Paul Willard and I have been running and building the San Francisco Agile Marketing meetup. We’ve had a bunch of great speakers and learned a tonne of stuff applying agile and lean practices and principles to marketing.

In 2014 we’ll continue the conversation around agile marketing. If you’ve not given  any thought to applying agile techniques to the world of marketing world then now is the time – show your support for an Agile Marketing event in 2014. The goal: take you from 0 – 100kmph in one day.