Archives For Other

Thinking about BDD

June 13, 2014

I’m just starting to scratch the surface and learn more about BDD. I’m yet to put it into practice. Here are the resources that are bootstrapping my understanding:

What has your experience been?

Muldoon’s Top Posts of 2013

December 26, 2013

A quick look back over 2013 to see what posts and tweets were most popular. This will help me prioritise my blog backlog for 2014.

  1. Using the Epic workflow in JIRA, the follow up to earlier favourite Visualising Epics and Dependencies in JIRA with GreenHopper and JQL Tricks
  2. JIRA for Agile Teams, a course to help agile teams which are new to JIRA get started.
  3. Moving WordPress sites from Dreamhost to Linode, a surprise hit. I guess a few folks are moving off Dreamhost.
  4. Agile Metrics, Velocity is not the Goal, a write up on a super Agile 2013 talk by Michael (Doc) Norton of Groupon.
  5. Technical Debt meets Agile, a write up on a brilliant Agile 2013 talk by Israel Gat of Cutter Consortium.

Collaborating Across an Enterprise

Collaborating Across an Enterprise: Quarterly Planning at Twitter deserves its own special shout-out as it was the most viewed video and Slideshare this year.

And a few choice Tweets

On my way to Agile 2013

August 2, 2013

Sitting in SFO. A tip for the business traveller from SFO – if you are heading out of SFO on a weekday flying United try going through security at International, significantly faster.

Anyways… I’m on my way to Agile 2013, and very much looking forward to the sessions.

Find my selected sessions, and prepare your own, at Sched.

Agile 2013 Schedule for Nicholas Muldoon